AirCastPro™ II vs. AirCastPro™ II Express Edition: What's The Difference?

The Global Chip Shortage has affected everyone from auto manufacturers to cell phone makers. We've done our best to balance cost and supply, but the shortage has inevitably forced us to move to a new hardware platform sooner than planned.

Introducing AirCastPro™ II Express Edition hardware

  AirCastPro™ II (v1.0 hardware) AirCastPro™ II Express Edition
USB 3 USB Ports 2 USB Ports
OS 32-bit 64-bit

If looking at just the hardware specifications, Express Edition appears to be the "better" platform, when real world performance tests have both versions of hardware showing about equal performance.
This is because we've worked tirelessly at optimizing AirCastPro™ II on about a dozen hardware platforms.


Why Not Choose Faster Hardware?

We strive to balance the best possible performance and price for our customers. Express Edition hardware performs slightly better making it an update, not an upgrade. More importantly, it helps us avoid a massive price increase without sacrificing performance.
In short, Express Edition allows us to match current AirCastPro™ II performance without having to pass on rising costs (as much as $150 now for v1.0 hardware!) to our customers.


I Have AirCastPro ™ II v1.0 hardware. Should I upgrade?

No. If you have v1.0 AirCastPro™ II hardware, you will continue to receive updates and enjoy first-class performance. There is no reason to trade in your AirCastPro™ II for Express Edition hardware.


Identifying AirCastPro II Hardware

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2022-06-02 13:13:08
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