Hot Folder Printing

What is Hot Folder Printing?
Simply put, hot folder printing is the process of copying one or more images into a designated folder, which lets AirCastPro™II print these images. Hot folder printing can be used with laptops as well desktop computers as well as iOS® and iPad OS® (iOS® version 13 or greater).

Your workflow may need a solution where a photographer needs to regularly download images for print or you may use a photo or imaging app that allow you to save images in a location of your choice. Either way, hot folder printing is the easiest way to move your photos from disk to prints.


Connecting to a Hot folder

  1. First, be sure to have your printer connected and configured by AirCastPro™II. Feel free to customize  your printer settings as needed but be sure to leave the "Create Hot Folder" option selected.
  2. Next, connect to the AirCastPro shared volume (see the section Network Share Volume for more information).
  3. When connected, you should see a folder that shares the name of your printer. This is the hot folder associated with that printer. Dragging & dropping one or more images into this folder will begin the process.

For convenience, hot folders can be aliased (Mac OS®) or Mapped as a network drive (Windows).