Can't change the print size: Fujifilm ASK-300

Some users have reported that the print size option does not populate in AirCastPro II's printer edit dialog window. This can happen if AirCastPro does not receive a usable query response from the printer driver.


  1. Power off or disconnect your ASK-300 printer from AirCastPro.
  2. In the AirCastPro General Settings window, select your ASK 300 printer and press the "Edit" button, below the printer list box.
  3. With the printer disconnected or powered off, the print size pop-up will now show all possible print sizes. Select the appropriate print size for your installed media.
  4. Press the "Save" button in the printer edit dialog.
  5. Reconnect/power on your ASK-300 printer.

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Date added:
2023-05-26 15:18:08
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